Protecting Yourself in a Military Divorce

Niño pequeño y soldado en un uniforme militar

The divorce process can be a challenge for anyone, but when one or both of the parties are on active duty with a branch of the armed forces of the United States, there are a number of land mines just waiting for you. Here are some of the issues you need to address.

Choosing the Best Place to File for Divorce

In Texas, as in most states, there are residency requirements for filing divorce. Texas does allow a divorce to be filed in the state if one of the parties is a legal resident, pero el requisito mínimo de residencia es de seis meses,,en,la parte que presenta el divorcio debe residir en el condado de presentación de,,en,días antes de la presentación,,en,la hora de decidir dónde presentar,,en,Una consideración importante es cómo el Estado va a dividir los activos,,en,incluyendo una pensión militar,,en,el estado en el que un divorcio es presentado siempre tiene la discreción para dividir una pensión de acuerdo con sus leyes,,en,Debido a que Texas es un estado de propiedad comunitaria,,en. en adición, the party filing for divorce must reside in the county of filing for 90 days before the filing.

Of course, when deciding where to file, one significant consideration is how the state will divide assets, including a military pension. Under federal law, the state in which a divorce is filed always has the discretion to divide a pension according to its laws. Because Texas is a community property state, any assets accumulated during a marriage will be considered community property and must be divided equally.

Working Out Custody and Visitation

Custody and visitation can be particularly complicated in a military divorce. First, it’s important to understand that the simple fact that you are an active duty member of the military cannot be used to deny you custody. The courts will consider the “best interests of the child,” but will always recognize that the needs of the military will come first.

The most important thing to do, if you are involved in a military divorce and have minor children, is to put together a parenting plan. That plan should include an agreement as to what will happen if the military member is deployed overseas, or transferred to another state or far away. As a general rule, when parents have joint custody, the civilian parent will always take care of the minor child when the service member is away on active duty. If the military parent has sole custody, though, allowing the ex to have custody may be considered a legal change of custody, so it’s fairly common that the court will grant temporary custody to some other family member, such as a grandparent.

Contact the Law Office of Len Conner & Associates

For experienced counsel in family law matters, contact our office online or call us at 972-445-1500 (al número gratuito 877-613-5800). Your first consultation is free of charge.

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Len Conner & Associates

600 John Carpenter Freeway,
usted 238
Irving, Texas 75062


Phone: 972-445-1500

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Sus opciones cuando su cónyuge está ocultando dinero durante un procedimiento de divorcio,,en,T02,,el,Ocurre mucho más a menudo de lo que usted pensaría: un esposo o esposa decide unilateralmente presentar una solicitud,,en,pero no le dice al cónyuge de inmediato,,en,sistemáticamente comienza a desviar activos para que,,en,cuando el proceso de divorcio finalmente sucede,,en,esos activos no se encuentran por ningún lado,,en,En algunas situaciones,,en,esos activos pueden terminar en cuentas extraterritoriales,,en,¿Qué puede hacer cuando sabe que su cónyuge está ocultando activos?,,en,El primer paso para obtener una contabilidad precisa y la liquidación de propiedad equitativa es contratar a un contable público forense con experiencia.,,en,CPA,,en,Un buen CPA forense sabrá exactamente qué buscar cuando examine los registros financieros personales y los documentos empresariales / corporativos.,,en

It happens far more often than you would think—a husband or wife unilaterally decides to file for divorce, but doesn't tell the spouse right away. Instead, he systematically starts to divert assets so that, when the divorce proceeding finally happens, those assets are nowhere to be found. In some situations,

Posibles errores de buscar una modificación de su decreto de divorcio en Texas,,en,T07,,ar,el orden no está necesariamente escrito en piedra,,en,Existen mecanismos que le permiten solicitar al tribunal que modifique los términos de su acuerdo.,,en,Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,También hay otras consideraciones que deberían hacerle pensar dos veces antes de solicitar un nuevo decreto de divorcio,,en,La modificación del divorcio puede ser muy costosa: si solo está disputando el monto de la manutención de menores que se le paga,,en,es posible que baje a la ligera,,en,Si es un problema de custodia,,en,puede costar miles de dólares llegar a una resolución ... y eso sin ir a juicio,,en,Las batallas de custodia a menudo incluyen exámenes psicológicos,,en

In Texas, as in all states, a divorce order is not necessarily set in stone. There are mechanisms in place that allow you to petition the court to amend the terms of your agreement. Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,Modificación de divorcio,,en. There are also other considerations that should

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