Important Questions to Ask about Whether You Want the House in a Divorce

Knowing Why You Want the House in a Divorce

Though divorce can sometimes feel like war, it’s not supposed to be a competition, with a winner and a loser. Unfortunately, many parties treat it that way, particularly with respect to property. The perception is often that the party who takes home the most property is the winner, and that award customarily goes to the person who keeps the marital residence. But is it always in your best interests to keep the marital home? Here are some questions to ask before spend a lot of time and money trying to wrest the house from your ex.

  • Why do you want the home?—Are you the custodial parent and want your children to remain in the home, so that there’s minimal disruption in their lives. Is the home near your work or your children’s school? Did you bring the home into the marriage? There can be many valid reasons for wanting to keep the home—just be sure that your motivations are not primarily or unreasonably tied to emotions, including anger and retaliation.
  • Can you make the house payments?—You can have all the best reasons why you want to stay in the house, but if you can’t afford to, it’s not a good idea. You’ll only bring more stress, anxiety and grief to yourself and your children.
  • How could moving out of the house benefit you and your children?—Staying in the marital home can saddle you with more than the financial commitment of the home. For you and your children, it can be a constant reminder of what has been lost. Furthermore, with a different, perhaps smaller, home, you may have dollars freed up to provide other benefits to your children.
  • What are your other living options?—Maybe you can move closer to friends and family. Maybe you can find a location that’s more convenient for you and your children. Too often, parties to a divorce fail to perceive that there are more than two options—keeping the house or losing the house.
  • Are you really getting the best deal by getting to keep the house?—Even if your house is paid off, you may be better off taking other assets of equal value, as you won’t have maintenance expenses, utilities and potential capital tax gains.

Contact the Law Office of Len Conner & Associates

At the Law Office of Len Conner Associates, we offer a free initial consultation in all family law matters, including issues relating to divorce. Send us an e-mail or call our office at (972) 445-1500 or 972-445-1500 if you’re in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Or call us toll free at (877) 613-5800 for an appointment.

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Sus opciones cuando su cónyuge está ocultando dinero durante un procedimiento de divorcio,,en,T02,,el,Ocurre mucho más a menudo de lo que usted pensaría: un esposo o esposa decide unilateralmente presentar una solicitud,,en,pero no le dice al cónyuge de inmediato,,en,sistemáticamente comienza a desviar activos para que,,en,cuando el proceso de divorcio finalmente sucede,,en,esos activos no se encuentran por ningún lado,,en,En algunas situaciones,,en,esos activos pueden terminar en cuentas extraterritoriales,,en,¿Qué puede hacer cuando sabe que su cónyuge está ocultando activos?,,en,El primer paso para obtener una contabilidad precisa y la liquidación de propiedad equitativa es contratar a un contable público forense con experiencia.,,en,CPA,,en,Un buen CPA forense sabrá exactamente qué buscar cuando examine los registros financieros personales y los documentos empresariales / corporativos.,,en

It happens far more often than you would think—a husband or wife unilaterally decides to file for divorce, but doesn't tell the spouse right away. Instead, he systematically starts to divert assets so that, when the divorce proceeding finally happens, those assets are nowhere to be found. In some situations,

Posibles errores de buscar una modificación de su decreto de divorcio en Texas,,en,T07,,ar,el orden no está necesariamente escrito en piedra,,en,Existen mecanismos que le permiten solicitar al tribunal que modifique los términos de su acuerdo.,,en,Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,También hay otras consideraciones que deberían hacerle pensar dos veces antes de solicitar un nuevo decreto de divorcio,,en,La modificación del divorcio puede ser muy costosa: si solo está disputando el monto de la manutención de menores que se le paga,,en,es posible que baje a la ligera,,en,Si es un problema de custodia,,en,puede costar miles de dólares llegar a una resolución ... y eso sin ir a juicio,,en,Las batallas de custodia a menudo incluyen exámenes psicológicos,,en

In Texas, as in all states, a divorce order is not necessarily set in stone. There are mechanisms in place that allow you to petition the court to amend the terms of your agreement. Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,Modificación de divorcio,,en. There are also other considerations that should

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