Managing Your Emotions During a Divorce Proceeding

Mantener sus emociones de descarrilamiento Usted durante un divorcio El divorcio ha sido llamada "la muerte en vida." Usted tiene muchas de las consecuencias que habría tenido, had your spouse passed away. But they’re not gone. In fact, for many, you have regular contact with them, as you shuttle minor children back and forth between custodial and non-custodial parents. Las emociones que experimenta durante una … [Read more...]

Hidden Assets — Is It Really Possible to Find Them in Divorce?

All too often during a divorce, one of the spouses is not playing it straight when it comes to assets. They stash cash in the hopes of keeping it from their soon-to-be ex. They lie, they cheat and they don’t want their schemes to be revealed. However, there are ways to search for and find hidden assets. First, there is such a thing as a forensic accountant. These are individuals whose … [Read more...]

Fighting Over Custody of Our Dog

Dogs are the animals that people fight over most when going through a divorce. In fact, some 88 percent of custody battles involving pets are over dogs, according to a recent survey of lawyers from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). Ruff! Some states allow pet custody disputes, while others do not recognize the legal standing of pets. This means that in those latter states, … [Read more...]

Animal Custody — an Emerging Area of Family Law

People who live with dogs, cats, birds and other nonhumans consider those animals part of the family. They often even consider their animal as their child. So who gets to keep the family pet when a couple divorces, and how do you come to a fair decision on this critical issue? According to a recent American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers survey, some 27 percent of attorneys have seen the … [Read more...]

Setting Yourself Up For Success After Divorce

It’s been said that how you separate and divorce is how you move into the next phase of your life. So, what’s in the way of your experiencing success in your personal and professional life after your divorce? Many times, a divorce can shake the very foundation of a person’s life. Many people are drained, physically, emotionally and spiritually, after a breakup. You need to rebuild. Necesitas … [Read more...]

The Impact of Allegations of Domestic Violence in a Texas Divorce Case

Si usted ha sido víctima de abuso doméstico y, finalmente, decidió salir de su matrimonio, you may have legitimate concerns about the potential for further abuse, or even the physical abuse of your children. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for a spouse to make unfounded allegations of domestic violence in an attempt to obtain an advantage in divorce proceedings. Esta entrada en el blog ofrece … [Read more...]

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Texas

If you haven’t been able to get along in your marriage, it may seem unlikely that you will be able to work together to end your marriage. There can, however, be significant advantages, if you can find a way to resolve your differences amicably. This blog post looks at the advantages and disadvantages of contested and uncontested divorce proceedings in Texas. At the office of Len Conner & … [Read more...]

Collaborative Divorce in Texas: An Overview

Descripción del proceso de divorcio de colaboración en Texas Su matrimonio puede ser mayor,en, but you may have many reasons to try to resolve your differences amicably. A cooperative effort can save both of you a lot of money. If you have minor children, you can minimize the trauma they experience by working together to move forward, and your children can avoid having to take sides. In recent years, the … [Read more...]

The Termination of Parental Rights in Texas

There are a number of situations in Texas where it becomes necessary to terminate the rights of a biological parent. You may be a stepparent seeking to adopt the children of a new spouse—to do so, you must terminate the non-custodial parents rights. There may be evidence of child abuse, neglect or abandonment. At Len Conner & Associates, P.C., we understand the process for obtaining a … [Read more...]

Relocation After Divorce – Your Rights When a Minor Child Is Involved

Relocating when you are subject to a child custody or visitation agreement has always been complex. Since the economy turned downward several years ago, many parents have faced a new urgency; the need to move for a job opportunity in another part of Texas or the U.S. Regardless of the reason for your need to relocate with your minor child following a divorce or paternity dispute, contar con la,en … [Read more...]

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Sus opciones cuando su cónyuge está ocultando dinero durante un procedimiento de divorcio,,en,T02,,el,Ocurre mucho más a menudo de lo que usted pensaría: un esposo o esposa decide unilateralmente presentar una solicitud,,en,pero no le dice al cónyuge de inmediato,,en,sistemáticamente comienza a desviar activos para que,,en,cuando el proceso de divorcio finalmente sucede,,en,esos activos no se encuentran por ningún lado,,en,En algunas situaciones,,en,esos activos pueden terminar en cuentas extraterritoriales,,en,¿Qué puede hacer cuando sabe que su cónyuge está ocultando activos?,,en,El primer paso para obtener una contabilidad precisa y la liquidación de propiedad equitativa es contratar a un contable público forense con experiencia.,,en,CPA,,en,Un buen CPA forense sabrá exactamente qué buscar cuando examine los registros financieros personales y los documentos empresariales / corporativos.,,en

It happens far more often than you would think—a husband or wife unilaterally decides to file for divorce, but doesn't tell the spouse right away. Instead, he systematically starts to divert assets so that, when the divorce proceeding finally happens, those assets are nowhere to be found. In some situations,

Posibles errores de buscar una modificación de su decreto de divorcio en Texas,,en,T07,,ar,el orden no está necesariamente escrito en piedra,,en,Existen mecanismos que le permiten solicitar al tribunal que modifique los términos de su acuerdo.,,en,Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,También hay otras consideraciones que deberían hacerle pensar dos veces antes de solicitar un nuevo decreto de divorcio,,en,La modificación del divorcio puede ser muy costosa: si solo está disputando el monto de la manutención de menores que se le paga,,en,es posible que baje a la ligera,,en,Si es un problema de custodia,,en,puede costar miles de dólares llegar a una resolución ... y eso sin ir a juicio,,en,Las batallas de custodia a menudo incluyen exámenes psicológicos,,en

In Texas, as in all states, a divorce order is not necessarily set in stone. There are mechanisms in place that allow you to petition the court to amend the terms of your agreement. Puede ser un proceso complejo y los tribunales no consideran esas solicitudes a la ligera,,en,Modificación de divorcio,,en. There are also other considerations that should

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